Unwanted bacteria cause inflammation in the mouth of pets
Inflammation of the gums, or gingivitis, and loss of the supporting tissue of the teeth, or periodontitis, are the most common ailments in dogs and cats. Up to 80% of pets suffer from them at some point in their lives. Inflammations cause accumulation of unwanted bacteria on the surface of the teeth and at their junction with the gums. One sign of gingivitis is bad breath.
Untreated gingivitis affects the whole
of the animal’s health. Untreated gingivitis progresses to periodontitis. The progress depends, among other things, on the race, age, rhythm of life and the functioning of the immune system of saliva. Harmful bacteria in the mouth can also spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream and cause infections in the heart, liver, and kidneys. Advanced periodontitis causes tooth loss